TopQuiz Earn Money App | Get Free Paytm Cash In { 2020 }

Do you have an interest in playing quizzes? If yes. So TopQuiz Earn Money App best option for you.

As you know, due to the lockdown these days, everyone is sitting at home. So you want to earn money by answering some questions? If yes.

So download topquiz earn money app for free. You can earn money by using your knowledge.

You do not have to invest any money, here you can earn real paytm cash by playing quizzes for free.

If you don’t have an interest in playing quizzes, you also play games, and you can earn money even by playing games. So let’s start.

TopQuiz Earn Money App


What is TopQuiz App?

Topquiz is India’s most popular real money quiz gaming app. Here you can earn free paytm Cash by playing different types of games and quizzes.

If you don’t have an interest in playing both games and quizzes, then you can also try to refer and earn.

Here you have to remember one thing. Whenever you download the topQuiz earn money app, then you will get 100 coins in return.

These coins you can use to play games and if you invite one of your friends through the referral link.

So in return, we will get coins. Then you have to play games with those coins, and If you win by playing a game.

You will get real paytm cash in your topquiz app wallet. Then you can easily withdraw money in your Paytm wallet.

Details And Requirements?

Application Name TopQuiz -Play Quiz & Lottery | Win Money via Paytm
Size 24M
Version Latest
TopQuiz Referral Code THEFJ1MA
Format Apk File
Offered By Nazara Games Ltd.
Downloads 1,000,000+

Features of TopQuiz App

  • Earn Coins :- Here you are asked the names about some actors or movies to earn coins, If you give the correct answer, then you get coins.
  • Quick Cash :- Quizzes and games are available here. You can earn real paytm cash by playing.
  • Mega Cash :- Here you have to buy a ticket from Coins. And there will be a number on the purchased lottery. And your lottery number appears in the result. You can win up to Rs.5000.
  • Refer and Earn :- Whenever you invite your friends in the topquiz earn money app, then you will get 100 coins every reference.

How To Download TopQuiz App?

1 First of all, click on the Download Now button.

   Download Now

2 After clicking on the download button, you will go to the Play Store. Now click on Install button.

Download TopQuiz App

How To Claim Signup Bonus?

1 First, select your language English or Hindi, and click on the Next button.

Select English

2 Now you have to click on the Cash Wallet.

Click on Cash Icon

3 Then click on Login button.

Login In

4 To log in, select Google or Facebook.

Signup With Google Or Facebook

5 Now choose your google account for login.

Choose an Account

6 Then enter your Paytm mobile number here and click on the Verify button.

Enter Mobile Number In TopQuiz App

7 Now you will get OTP on your entered Paytm mobile number, copy it & paste it here, click on again Verify button.

Verify Mobile Number

8 After that, click on the Coins option.


9 Now click on Earn Coins, and here you will see Apply Code, click on it.

Apply Referral Code

10 Then you have to enter the code here {  THEFJ1MA } and click on Apply Referral Code.
topquiz referral code

11 Awesome! And you will get bonus sign.

Signup Bonus

12 To check, go to the topquiz app wallet. Then you will see the coins here.

Your Coins

Play Games And Earn Real Paytm Cash

1 First of all, click on Quick Cash, and here you will see many quizzes and games. To play, click on them.

Quick Cash

2 Here you can see I have select True or False Contest. If you don’t like this contest, then you can choose any other.

To play contest, click on the Play Now button.

Play TopQuiz

3 And here you have to answer in True or False. You will have 10 seconds to answer.

If you give most of the answer correctly, you will get Paytm Cash in return.

TopQuiz Earn Money App

Invite Your Friend & Earn Coins

1 To invite your friends in topquiz earn money app, click on the Menu option.

Select Menu

2 Now click on Invite & Earn Coins.

Invite and Earn Coin

3 Then you have to invite your friend through the referral link from here. and if your friend downloads the app through your referral link, so in return, you and your friend will get 100 coins.

Invite And Earn

How To Withdraw Money From TopQuiz App?

1 First of all, click on the Wallet option.

Click on Cash Icon

2 Then from here, you can quickly Withdraw cash in your Paytm.

Withdraw Money To PayTM


I’m sure you must have liked topquiz earn money app. I have also published an article before that related to the quiz earn money app.

But that application was not so good, as it is, because in the topquiz app you get very easy questions, which you can answer quickly.

And the best thing about topQuiz earn money app. If you play daily quizzes, so your knowledge also develops, and you will also be able to earn money.

So I will recommend you to try the app, and earn a lot of money.

I hope you like today’s article. If you like it, so do not forget to share it with your friends.

If you face some problems, then you can comment below.

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